
"GoGood" is a new app designed to support Effective Altruism-style donations. But its user logs paint a darker picture of a growing plague.

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Issue 1.2

COMING FALL 2023 IN PRINT AND EPUB. Purchasers will also receive access to downloadable desktop and phone wallpapers of our beautiful cover art created by the amazingly talented Katerina Belikova (aka Ninja Jo) and inspired by Ephiny Gale's story, “Watchhouse."

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Issue 1.2


Purchasers will also receive access to downloadable desktop and phone wallpapers of our beautiful cover art created by the amazingly talented Katerina Belikova (aka Ninja Jo) and inspired by Brian Low's story, “Have You Seen This Hungry Ghost?"

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The gift of life after death takes an eerie turn when a beloved grandmother’s roots dig a bit too deep.


Murtha Snattleby has developed a twisted appetite.

More from 1.2

The Rediscovery of Plants

PS takes not only motion and sound; it takes everything. Every nerve, muscle, and neuron. Every thought, idea, and sentiment. By the time sufferers reach puberty, they are not human.

Skin Deep

Although she suffers from serious allergic reactions, Indira refuses to get a med-tat. As a prosecutor who has won nine cases against the manufacturer of the implantable biotech, she knows better. But when epinephrine injectors are prohibited, Indira has no choice.

The Silent Miscarriage

After being told she’s experiencing a miscarriage, a shocked woman is whisked away to the operating room to have the tissue removed. It soon becomes clear that the truth about her baby is far stranger than she could have imagined.

Twenty Seven

Linda Long, promising vocal artist, lives in fear of becoming a member of the 27 Club—a list of popular musicians who died at the age of twenty-seven. To ensure she makes it to twenty-eight, she takes off a year, but music is her soul, and she’s having a hard time resisting the stage.


"GoGood" is a new app designed to support Effective Altruism-style donations. But its user logs paint a darker picture of a growing plague.

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