
Monthly Memberships

The Dread Machine is run by passionate volunteers and funded by donations. We don’t have sponsors, and we don’t sell ads. Our community makes our work here possible. If you enjoy our stories, please consider joining us on Ko-fi (preferred) or Patreon. Tiers and content are identical on both, but we prefer Ko-fi for its wealth of cool features and lower cost.

Every penny we receive pays a writer and expands our library of content.


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There’s no Silicon Valley giant or venture capital lifeline here. The Dread Machine is a fiercely independent entity, fueled by the power of community and the love of written art.

Indie publishers like us are the lifeblood of the literary ecosystem. We push boundaries, take risks, and bring voices to the fore that might otherwise remain unheard.

Help us keep the gears of our grand enterprise turning. By choosing to support us, you’re becoming part of a movement, a revolution, a reimagining of what literature can be in the digital age. Join us and become indie scum, you dirty disco superstar.

Together, we can create a future that's as vibrant, diverse, and thought-provoking as the stories we love to share.

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