Resurrection Man

What do you want?

Damn you for exacerbating my hunger —
Don’t you know my days are difficult enough
Without the gnawing rising from constant to desperate?

But once the sparks strike my blood, it’s too late —
The dark cracks my ribs and I want
The teeth tear my flesh and I want
The worms bore my brain and I want and I want
And damn you, what gives you the right?

To wake the dead hopes in their tombs,
Gasping for air they can’t have?
Clawing at eternal stone, their fingers ground to bloody stumps
Screaming like broken glass, like the fear that you can’t hear them
— or worse, that you can hear them, and are disgusted

Damn it, you bastard —
Why couldn’t you have just let them lie?

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Issue 3.1 Paperback

Pay tribute to your ancestors sleeping between worlds, stay at a time-travel hotel, visit the winter graveyard, face Azathoth, purchase a strange device from a door-to-door salesman, and do your best to keep a puppet child from unraveling. Oh, and your DoorDasher Astrid has accidentally awakened the Crawling Chaos, so don’t expect your Taco Pup order any time soon.

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Issue 3.1 Paperback

Amelia suffers from The Vanishing, a disease caused by unrooted immigrant identity, while Beulah Khware longs to become a Celeronian but faces a daunting citizenship test.

Pay tribute to your ancestors sleeping between worlds, stay at a time-travel hotel, visit the winter graveyard, face Azathoth, purchase a strange device from a door-to-door salesman, and do your best to keep a puppet child from unraveling.

Oh, and your DoorDasher Astrid has accidentally awakened the Crawling Chaos, so don’t expect your Taco Pup order any time soon.


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Resurrection Man

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