Hungry Baby

Something is wrong with Violet's baby.

Baby Led Weaning – City of Maclure
Private group · 8K members

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Violet Dubois
23 December 2020

Hey mamas! My little one is only three months old but is eyeballing me and hubby’s dinner every night! Is six months the absolute longest you need to wait before feeding solids, or is there something we can do to satisfy his craving? He is VERY opinionated, and I don’t want to spend Christmas dinner with his crying in the background 😭 He makes for a TERRIBLE caroler.

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Gennifer Beckett-Jones
you can give LO pablum in his bottle! it’ll even help him sleep so mama can sit back with a glass (or TWO) of vino 😉

Rebecca Kaplan
Pablum is unnecessary. It’s normal for little ones to be curious about Mom and Dad’s food. Right now all he needs is your milk.

Gennifer Beckett-Jones
my kids thrived on formula                                                   

Mod Miranda
Fed is best. Were not here to debate breast vs bottle.

Violet Dubois
Thanks for all the advice! I gave Charlie (LO) some gingerbread to gnaw on—of course with me watching like a hawk!!!

Rebecca Kaplan
Make sure you read the FAQ about safe shapes for LOs. Always go for spear-shaped over coin-shaped.

Gennifer Beckett-Jones
i don’t think that really matters

Rebecca Kaplan
I’ve got 20k case studies on why it does.

Gennifer Beckett-Jones
where are the stats about the kids who didn’t die? nobody measures that!

Rebecca Kaplan
Okay granny, I bet you put your kids on their stomachs to sleep, too

Mod Miranda
Rule 1: No name calling

Gennifer Beckett-Jones
don’t come crying to me when your kid chokes on their own vomit in the middle of the night

Mod Miranda
Watch it,
Gennifer Beckett-Jones

Violet Dubois
Thanks for the advice,
Rebecca Kaplan. I’ll have to remember the spear trick for when Charlie hits that six month mark!

20 March 2021
Violet Dubois

Hey again, mamas! Charlie is only a week and a half from his six month mark and hubby and I decided it’s time to start sharing some of our food with him. So far he LOVES everything!!! Eggs, broccoli, salmon, yogurt. We haven’t run into a food he dislikes yet!

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Gennifer Beckett-Jones
omg you are sooo lucky! Enjoy that phase before Charlie starts to develop a taste for junk and nothing else!

Rebecca Kaplan
Managing their sugar intake is proven to keep healthy habits intact. The novelty doesn’t have to wear off, you just need to keep Charlie away from processed food.

Gennifer Beckett-Jones
sounds like something a first time mother would say

Mod Miranda Gennifer Beckett-Jones
lets keep things civil

Gennifer Beckett-Jones
i’m just saying. try and juggle a 3yo, 2yo, and 7mo. you give them whatever they eat (mine love Bear Paws om nom nom!)

Rebecca Kaplan
OR you can meal prep so you have HEALTHY snacks on hand. Carrot sticks keep in Tupperware well, you know.

Violet Dubois
omg Charlie loooves carrot sticks. I think it’s the snap and crunch. And of course, I’m using spears and not coin shapes 😉

Violet Dubois
30 September 2021

Alt text: photo of a peanut butter and jam sandwich on whole grain bread, cut in the shape of a cat

In honour of Willy who’s been missing for a week (see post in Maclure Missing Pets) we made kitty shaped sammies. Charlie got really excited to see Willy again, if only in the shape of bread

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Gennifer Beckett-Jones
so sorry to hear about your kitty! hopefully he turns up

Rebecca Kaplan
It’s been happening so much lately. Coyotes are coming into the city more and more since the streets have been more empty.

Gennifer Beckett-Jones
people need to get out more

Rebecca Kaplan
As soon as it’s safe to do so, I agree.

Gennifer Beckett-Jones

Mod Miranda
Rule 3: No political talk

Mod Miranda
I dont want to have to tell you again, Ginny.

Gennifer Beckett-Jones

Violet Dubois

25 January 2022

DEFIANTLY time to wean Charlie. I’ve been transitioning to solid foods pretty exclusively and only doing night feeds with milk, but last night Charlie bit my boob HARD! I know he didn’t mean to, and it’s natural for kids his age, but DAMN. I have some gauze on it, but I think I’m gonna have to visit the dr for this one. It’s still bleeding. Little vampire kept sucking, too…

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Gennifer Beckett-Jones
oh no, now he has the taste for blood!

Mod Miranda

Violet Dubois
It’s okay, I needed the laugh! Why can’t hubby have the boobs?

Rebecca Kaplan
Because he’d never leave his room?

Gennifer Beckett-Jones

Violet Dubois

12 February 2022

Let me know if this breaks the rules of the group, Miranda, but I just need to vent. Charlie will not stop eating. We have to go shopping every other day, and I don’t think we can afford it much longer. He doesn’t set any limits for himself. Veggies, bread, meat. Sometimes he’ll scream and scream at me while I’m at the stove. It’s like he can’t even wait for me to cook! The other day, I gave him chicken that was still a little pink in the middle because I just couldn’t stand the screaming. Has anyone here ever had this happen?

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Rebecca Kaplan
So sorry you’re going through this, hun. Please make sure all chicken is cooked in the future. Salmonella is devastating to their little bodies.

Violet Dubois
Of course, I would never give him raw chicken knowingly. I didn’t even notice until I sat down to eat my own, and by then he had cleared his plate.

Gennifer Beckett-Jones
it’s fine if it’s a little pink. better than dried out completely.

Rebecca Kaplan
NOT fine.

Gennifer Beckett-Jones
we are so here for you girl. mom life is not always glamorous. if you need to take a break, sneak away and let hubby deal with Charlie for a bit. you need to take care of your own mental health.

Rebecca Kaplan
Agreed. No shame in taking a step back.

Violet Dubois
You ladies are the best. I snuck away to the bathroom. I’m just sitting here, scrolling through reels. I feel bad, but also, kinda not?

Gennifer Beckett-Jones
get it, girl!

Rebecca Kaplan
Uggghhh don’t get me started on reels and TikTok. Killing the attention span of an entire generation.

Gennifer Beckett-Jones
…you’re on social media right now. what makes this better?

Rebecca Kaplan
Hmmm let me think, sharing information? A sense of community?

Gennifer Beckett-Jones
lol k

Mod Miranda
Getting off topic, guys.
Violet Dubois, I second what these ladies said and Im glad your getting your time to yourself! Even if its spent on the toilet lmao. Tell hubby your having some cramps and slip into the bath hehehe

Violet Dubois
Sighhh. No can do. I’m being summoned.

Alt text: photo of baby fingers poking under the door.

Violet Dubois
if I stay in here too long, he’ll start gnawing at the handle like some sort of rodent.

Violet Dubois
1 March 2022

I’m back in the bathroom. Charlie bit my husband. Bad. He was throwing a tantrum because we told him he was done eating.

I guess he wasn’t done.

He bit hubby on the neck. Pretty deep. Hubby threw him in the crib and yelled at him. I got mad because Charlie doesn’t know any better and it’s our job to teach him, but hubby had none of it. He was bleeding and screaming how our son wasn’t normal and we needed help. I couldn’t take it, so now I’m in here. Charlie stopped crying a few minutes ago. He must be sleeping.

I’m just so done. I love him so much, but he will Not. Stop. Eating.

I don’t hear hubby either. He must of left. Or caved in finally and fed Charlie. I think I hear chewing from the bedroom. Maybe I’ll finally get that bath, Miranda!

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Rebecca Kaplan
Must *HAVE left.

Rebecca Kaplan
So sorry to hear about everything, Vi. You’re killing it, though. Just make sure to get hubby checked out. Don’t want that bite getting infected. Human mouths are disgusting!

Gennifer Beckett-Jones
maybe you won’t have to get it checked out. maybe Charlie is chewing on hubby

Rebecca Kaplan
Jesus lol

Gennifer Beckett-Jones
well he’s already taken a chunk out of
Violet Dubois‘s boob! it’s only fair. tit for tat. or neck for tit, i guess

Rebecca Kaplan
You can’t just joke about babies eating their parents. That’s not what this group is for.

Gennifer Beckett-Jones
oh my gosh. you laughed.

Rebecca Kaplan
I regret it. I’m sorry
Violet Dubois. I know this is a really hard time for you.

Gennifer Beckett-Jones
did you ever find out what happened to willy the cat,
Violet Dubois?

Gennifer Beckett-Jones
still there?

Rebecca Kaplan
I’m telling you, the coyotes have been brave. We need to keep our cats inside. I mean, we should keep them inside anyway. Studies show their effects on local bird and critter population to be substantial.

Gennifer Beckett-Jones
lol k

Gennifer Beckett-Jones
maybe it wasn’t a coyote that got willy. maybe it was…

Rebecca Kaplan

Mod Miranda

Gennifer Beckett-Jones
i’m trying to make
Violet Dubois laugh! she knows her baby wouldn’t eat a cat. you people get triggered by everything.

Rebecca Kaplan
Still there,
Violet Dubois?

Rebecca Kaplan
She doesn’t speak for all of us. I hope you know that. We’re here for you.

Gennifer Beckett-Jones
omfg I’m here for her too. good lord.

Rebecca Kaplan

Rebecca Kaplan
Violet Dubois

Gennifer Beckett-Jones

Gennifer Beckett-Jones
DMed you.

Mod Miranda
This post is off topic. DMed you,
Violet Dubois.

Post deleted.

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Issue 2.3 Paperback

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Featured In

Issue 2.3 Paperback

Drink to your past, jump off a train, and suture yourself together from the best parts you can find. You’ll learn about a revolutionary artist’s career and get an inside peek into the daily life of renowned surgeon and recovering human flesh addict, Dr. Baba Yaga.

Play a bizarre new mobile game, seek a boon from The Girl of Rust and Bone, and trust a ghost hunter (or don’t). Chain your father up in the guestroom, write a letter to your mother, and visit the devil at the riverside.

Whatever you do, don’t taste the tea, disregard the whispering lake, and try real hard to keep your picadillo down.

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Getting Better

A father undergoes a radical change.

Water for the Weak

A lake appears in a cornfield in a drought-stricken agricultural town.



A woman and her illegal child attempt to make it past Border Enforcement.

Hungry Baby

Something is wrong with Violet's baby.

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