Kelpie Dreams

A poem by Marisca Pichette.

toes crack,
splash hooves
vines to veins,
algae to arteries.

lay your mane down in pond scum
let shadows displace thoughts—
hair grows over
where bones break

and rot your body lovely,
devour nights and days,
lie under tepid ripples
eyes shining golden

lips dripping eons,
teeth bared moonward.
let me take your hoof your hand
and swim once

and sink last.

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Issue 2.4 Paperback

Find a piece of the sky, make friends with some dogs, read a prisoner of war’s Christmas list, dance with the spiders, befriend a dead girl, and spontaneously combust in your drug dealer’s apartment.

Escape the real world with a dying friend, get immortalized in plastic, break the multiverse, and experience a day in the life of a chair.

Whatever you do, protect the children, and make sure you kill all of the fascists.


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Kelpie Dreams

A poem by Marisca Pichette.

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