Digital Ghouls

Ciphers flicker and spin like firemoths in the lambent glow // Bending and twisting in cyclone contortions // Trembling at the touch of my haptic caress

Ciphers flicker and spin like firemoths in the lambent glow

Bending and twisting in cyclone contortions

Trembling at the touch of my haptic caress


I dive


Enmeshed in isometric patterns of digital dreams

Sacred geometries of source code

Portals open wide at my command

A door behind a door behind a door behind a door

I swim inside this maze of vectors and vertices

Synapses wired laser tight

Punching through firewalls like steel-jacketed slugs

Until at last I break into open cyberspace

Oceans of data wash over me in waves

Wideband and pulsing with the heat of a thousand suns

I close my eyes for an instant

Soaking in the energy of collective consciousness

The pulse and thrum of the Hive


I dive deeper


There are so few defenses left to stand in my way

No one ever dreamed anyone could penetrate this far

I spiral downward into the maw below

Seeking the foundation

Seeking the depths

Eruptions of information streak past

Glyphs of languages ancient and arcane

The very lifeblood of the Net

There are so few defenses left

So few—


I am not alone


I taste their presence long before the detection software chimes

A bitter sting at the base of the tongue

Piercing upward into my innermost thoughts

Like a stiletto to the brainstem

My pupils contract

Fingers and hands are cold and numb with terror

Klaxons shriek belated warning


They are everywhere


Presences buried deep within the bedrock

Before and behind, above and below and beside

A billion faces, billions of empty eyes

Eyes black as midnight marble

They are separate and yet somehow the same

Their features merge together into a single Construct

An entity born of all our sins

Its hands, their hands, a jungle of fingers extends toward me

Reaching out from below


I scream

I scream until my throat bleeds


I scream until We Are One

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Issue 1.4 Paperback

These 23 works of dark speculative fiction demand readers consider the following:

Who do we become when we only have ourselves for company? What remains when we've sacrificed too much? Where do the babies really come from?


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Issue 1.4 Paperback

Read a story out loud, upgrade your legs, and glow. Break quarantine for a quick smoke with your friends, learn where the babies come from, start a gratitude journal during an apocalypse, and obtain more followers, no matter the cost.

Meet Mona Luna, rob a bank, get the best spot on the ledge, sew a suit fit for a king, laugh until you choke, and scream until your throat bleeds.

Whatever you do, don’t look back, and never tell the beautiful bartender to smile.

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A woman and her illegal child attempt to make it past Border Enforcement.

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Danny wouldn’t stop asking where the babies come from, so finally Jon got tired of it and took him to the loading dock at the end of the city so he could see.

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A woman awakens to find life strangely normal after murdering her husband, but normal is a world of constant dread, and the voice in her head is worse than the corpse in her bed.


A house down the street catches my attention. It sits half painted, the other half peeling white, with a quarter of the driveway paved. The cracks are still visible. A shadow passes by one window in the upper level. It looks like my daughter. I know it can’t be. I left her shadow inside the new house.

Digital Ghouls

Ciphers flicker and spin like firemoths in the lambent glow // Bending and twisting in cyclone contortions // Trembling at the touch of my haptic caress

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