Azathoth, Lonely in the Cold Center of Eternity

It'll be okay one day.

There are dreams in the spaces
Between, where he calls out as
Tachyons zip by, sauntering
backwards through time
pummeling brain matter and
screeching migraine harsh,
sledgehammer subtle in the
steady thud-thump of impact.
He just wants me to know
that it’ll be okay one day, that
it’ll all come crashing back
together eventually, even if
it means the end of all we know.

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Issue 2.4 Paperback

Find a piece of the sky, make friends with some dogs, read a prisoner of war’s Christmas list, dance with the spiders, befriend a dead girl, and spontaneously combust in your drug dealer’s apartment.

Escape the real world with a dying friend, get immortalized in plastic, break the multiverse, and experience a day in the life of a chair.

Whatever you do, protect the children, and make sure you kill all of the fascists.


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Azathoth, Lonely in the Cold Center of Eternity

It'll be okay one day.

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